The thing about facelifts is that how they look is just the beginning. Women and men of most every age who have taken this step say they wish they’d done it sooner because of how it makes them feel.

What could be more beautiful than a person who’s forgotten doubt, who has left self-consciousness behind, who is instead free to be interested in all that surrounds him or her, including you? That kind of magnetism is memorable.

Refining an Art Form

In recent years, the acceptance of facelifts as a normal option for enhancing one’s appearance has grown rapidly. As a result, the experience in the field and the refinement of techniques has progressed geometrically. Today, we can consider a facelift with unprecedented confidence and with higher goals than ever.

Today, those goals include a realistic expectation that the surgery won’t get the compliments. Long past is the time when “having a little work” was consciously overlooked or even considered a badge of rank. That view of facelifts is as gone as the days when only “the rich and famous” considered it. The value now is more personal, more considerate, more an expression of the best side of ourselves.

Never have experience and technique been so advanced. As a result, we can expect to look younger, more rested, more relaxed, and more fit – but not changed.

The Most Personal Style

There is no one facelift. Just as no two faces are alike, so, too, should no two facelifts be just alike. Often more than one technique is used in a procedure, because the goal is to harmonize the features and contours of the face.

The skill is beyond medical, and the genius that has accumulated behind facelift techniques is wonderful to contemplate. The incision that lifts and smooths one’s cheeks might be hidden in the hairline of the temples. To take years off one’s laugh lines, the procedure might be under the earlobe.

More Than the Hands of a Surgeon

The most delicate abilities, the keenest way of seeing, the finest surgical skill we can imagine is what gets an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon to the starting line. It is necessary. But these skills alone are not sufficient.

The mark of a great plastic surgeon is the heart of a surgeon. The same compassion that enriches any form of medicine becomes the basis for that empathy that inspires confidence in someone considering a facelift.

The first step in finding out if a facelift is right for you is to schedule an easy conversation. Talking with an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon, you’ll get a sense right away if this is the one you’ll choose to trust.

Let’s have that talk. Just call us at 706.235.5119 to schedule your confidential consultation.