There are effective, safe, and relatively painless methods available for the treatment of spider veins. In the United States, a common spider vein treatment is the injection of a hypertonic (concentrated) solution of saline into each effected vein, causing the vein to clot, collapse, and fade. Patients may often complain of moderate stinging or burning with this modality of treatment and, in some patients, has been associated with lengthy discoloration of the skin.
You will be thoroughly examined during your consultation and a treatment plan will be developed that is customized for your body and lifestyle. If, however, you display physical or historical findings suggestive of venous insufficiency, you will be referred to a local vascular surgeon prior to treatment.
Horizons Plastic Surgery offers a portfolio of technologic equipment to treat spider veins, including the CynoSure radiofrequency platform (each vein is gently touched with a tiny probe) and the CynoSure ICON laser. In some patients, a combination of different types of treatments may be beneficial.